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Saturday, May 9, 2009

On a side note

My son and I went to see Star Trek tonight at the Movie Tavern. This place is pretty cool. Instead of regular seating you have an office 'compfy' chair and a little bar with a small light. They give you a menu and you can order drinks and food.

The tickets are $2 more then the regular theater and the food and drinks are a little high. I don't go the movies very often so this didn't bother me. I'm more of a "wait till the DVD comes out" kinda guy. But this is Star Trek! :D

Now, on to the movie! *Spoilers Alert*

Zachary Quinto (from heroes) does a remarkable performance of Spock! I really liked Scotty! Remember the guy who does Shaun of the Dead! he he.

But. What is with Star Trek and time travel? That's the only problem that I had. It was done to death with the Tv series Enterprise (which I liked very much) But geeze, what is it with Star Trek and time travel?

Other then that, great movie! Awesome effects, great acting, nice one liners that bring you back to the old days of the original tv series.

I really cant wait for the sequel that they better make!

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